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How To Contact Your Nursing Home Ombudsman

By: staff.writer October 5, 2023 no comments

How To Contact Your Nursing Home Ombudsman

A nursing home ombudsman serves a critical role in ensuring patient safety and protecting patient rights. But many families with loved ones in a nursing home do not know how an ombudsman can help them, much less how to contact their nursing home ombudsman. Below, we explore the responsibilities of a nursing home ombudsman and give you the tools to contact your local ombudsman.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Nursing Home Ombudsman?

Nursing home ombudsmen work to protect residents by providing advocacy, guidance, and support to those in need, resolving disputes while protecting the residents’ privacy. A few responsibilities nursing home ombudsmen hold include:

  1. Investigating Complaints: Ombudsmen will review complaints levied against long-term care providers by interviewing all parties involved and determining the best course of action.
  2. Mediation: Oftentimes, the nursing home ombudsman will act as the mediator in resolving disputes between families’ and their long-term care providers.
  3. Educating Residents: The nursing home ombudsman is responsible for providing information on resident rights, the complaint process, how to file a complaint, and even what to expect during an investigation.
  4. Resident Representation: Above all, the nursing home ombudsman is responsible for representing the interests of the resident and family, ensuring their concerns are properly communicated to the nursing home staff and management.

Learn More: What You Need To Know About Nursing Home Ombudsmen

How Do You Contact Your Nursing Home Ombudsman?

Each state has a long-term care ombudsman program. Contact details for the ombudsman program in each state are listed below.

Virginia Moore-Bell, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (334) 242-5753
Website: https://alabamaageline.gov/

Stephanie Wheeler, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (907) 334-4483
Website: https://akoltco.org/

Lisa Pollock, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (602) 542-6454
Website: https://des.az.gov/services/older-adults/long-term-care-ombudsman

Charlotte Sudmeyer, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (501) 508-8857
Website: https://www.arombudsman.com/

Blanca Castro, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (916) 419-7510
Website: https://aging.ca.gov/Programs_and_Services/Long-Term_Care_Ombudsman/

Leah McMahon, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (303) 862-3524
Website: https://www.coombudsman.org/

Maired Painter, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (860) 424-5239
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/LTCOP

Saundra Hale, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (302) 424-7363

District of Columbia
Mark Miller, District of Columbia State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (202) 434-2190
Website: https://states.aarp.org/washington-dc/?migration=rdrct&migration=rdrct

Terri Cantrell, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (888) 831-0404

Melanie McNeil, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (404) 657-5327
Website: https://www.georgiaombudsman.org/

Tisha Sanchez, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (671) 737-7415

John G McDermott, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (808) 586-0100
Website: https://www.hi-ltc-ombudsman.org/

Fanny Rodriguez-Melnikovsky, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (208) 577-2855
Website: https://aging.idaho.gov/stay-safe/ombudsman/

Kelly Richards, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (312) 814-1203
Website: https://ilaging.illinois.gov/

Lynn Clough, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (800) 622-4484
Website: https://www.in.gov/ombudsman/long-term-care-ombudsman/contact-information/

Angela Van Pelt, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (515) 393-1710

Camille Russell, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (785) 296-3017
Website: https://ombudsman.ks.gov/home

Sherry Culp, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (859) 277-9215
Website: https://ombuddy.org/

Rosa Walton, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (225) 342-7116
Website: https://www.goea.louisiana.gov/ombudsman

Brenda Gallant, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (207) 621-1079
Website: https://www.maineombudsman.org/

Stevanne Ellis, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (410) 767-2161

Carolyn Fenn, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (617) 222-7491
Website: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/ombudsman-programs

Salli Pung, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (517) 827-8025
Website: https://mltcop.org/

Cheryl Hennen, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (651) 431-2553
Website: https://mn.gov/ooltc/

Lisa Smith, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (601) 359-4927

Jenny Hollandsworth, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (800) 309-3282
Website: https://health.mo.gov/seniors/ombudsman/

Carmen Sciabica, Interim Montana State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (406) 444-3285

Penny Clark, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (402) 802-5541
Website: https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Aging-Ombudsman.aspx

Marie Coe, Interim State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (775) 687-0818
Website: https://adsd.nv.gov/

New Hampshire
Susan Buxton, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (603) 271-4704
Website: https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/oltco/index.htm

New Jersey
Laurie Facciarossa Brewer, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (609) 826-5090
Website: https://www.nj.gov/ooie/

New Mexico
Carmen Bliss, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (505) 469-8357

New York
Claudette Royal, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (518) 408-1469
Website: https://aging.ny.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman-program?utm_medium=301&utm_source=www.ltcombudsman.ny.gov

North Carolina
Victor Orija, State Ombudsman
Phone: (919) 855-3426

North Dakota
Karla Blackman, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (701) 328-4617
Website: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/services/adultsaging/ombudsman.html

Jacqueline DeGenova, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (614) 466-1221
Website: http://ombudsman.ohio.gov/

William Whited, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (405) 521-6734
Website: http://www.okdhs.org/services/aging/Pages/ombudsman.aspx

Fred Steele, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (800) 522-2602
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/LTCO/Pages/index.aspx

Margaret Barajas, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (717) 783-8975
Website: http://aging.pa.gov/

Puerto Rico
Yailene Salome, Interim State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (787) 721-6121

Rhode Island
Kathleen Heren, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (401) 785-3340

South Carolina
Dale Watson, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (803) 734-9900
Website: http://www.aging.sc.gov/

South Dakota
Donna Fischer, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (866) 854-5465
Website: https://dhs.sd.gov/ltss/ombudsman.aspx

Teresa Teeple, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (615) 253-5412

Patty Ducayet, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (512) 438-4356
Website: https://apps.hhs.texas.gov/news_info/ombudsman/

Alianne Sipes, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (801) 538-3924
Website: https://daas.utah.gov/long-term-care-ombudsman/

Kaili Kuiper, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (802) 383-2227
Website: http://www.vtlegalaid.org/vermont-long-term-care-ombudsman/

Joani Latimer, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (804) 726-6624
Website: http://www.elderrightsva.org/

Patricia Hunter, State Ombudsman
Phone: (800) 562-6028
Website: http://www.waombudsman.org/

West Virginia
Suzanne Messenger, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (304) 816-3151
Website: http://www.wvseniorservices.gov/

Jessia Trudell, Executive Director and State Ombudsman
Phone: (608) 246-7018
Website: http://longtermcare.wi.gov/

Patricia Hall, State LTC Ombudsman
Phone: (307) 777-2885
Website: https://health.wyo.gov/admin/long-term-care-ombudsman-program/

Local Nursing Home Ombudsmen

Beyond the state ombudsman, you can also contact your local ombudsman. Contact details for each local ombudsman in each state can be found at this website. Simply select your state on the map and scroll down to find your local ombudsman.

More Information:


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