Hiding Medical Malpractice
Hiding Medical Malpractice
In the vast majority of cases, hospitals and other healthcare providers who commit medical malpractice hide the harm from their patients, according to a recent Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine report. The study, which was published in the Journal of Patient Safety, found that fewer than 1 out of 10 acts of medical negligence were voluntarily disclosed to the patient. Important take-aways from the report included the following:
- ● Health care providers withheld information about medical mistakes from the patient 91% of the time.
- ● When the harm from medical malpractice was disclosed by the hospital or other healthcare provider, it was usually because they were forced to.
- ● Only 11 percent of patients or their family members reported receiving an apology from the negligent healthcare provider.
- ● The medical malpractice caused financial harm to the patient. The average cost of the medical bills incurred by the patient due to the medical error was $14,024.
These findings are troublesome, particularly in states such as Indiana which rank among the worst in the U.S. in terms of healthcare quality and patient safety.
If you think you or a loved one may have been the victim of malpractice, don’t assume the hospital or other healthcare provider will inform you of the event. If you suspect that hospital or other healthcare negligence may have occurred, you should consult a qualified medical malpractice lawyer. Here are some other tips you should follow if you suspect medical negligence.
Contact our office today to receive a free consultation on how we can help you. Call us at 877-769-5377 or click below to contact us via email.