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Complaint Filed Against Grace Village Nursing Home After Patient Suffered 15 Falls And Died From Head Injury

By: admin June 6, 2017 no comments

Complaint Filed Against Grace Village Nursing Home After Patient Suffered 15 Falls And Died From Head Injury

The complaint alleges that records related to the patient’s final fall are “disturbingly suspicious and lacking in detail.”  According to the complaint, after the patient was taken to the emergency room, the emergency department staff was informed by a Grace Village nurse that a fall did not occur and that the patient became unresponsive while having a bowel movement.  The emergency department physician, however, noted that the patient had a forehead hematoma that appeared new, alleges the complaint.

According to the complaint, Grace Village is a for-profit nursing home located in Winona Lake, Indiana.  The complaint alleges that Grace Village Health Care Facility, Inc., National Fellowship Brethren Retirement Homes Inc., Woodlawn Hospital, and a Jeff Carroll are among those jointly responsible for “owning, operating, managing, administrating, overseeing, staffing, and/or rendering or supervising care and/or services to patients” at the facility.

According to the complaint, the Grace Village nursing home allegedly:

  • failed to provide sufficient nurse and support staffing to meet the needs and ensure the safety of the patients,
  • Failed to provide properly trained staff,
  • Negligently hired and retained staff, and
  • Failed to properly train and supervise employees to care for geriatric patients.

According to the complaint, the named defendants have  refused to accept any responsibility for the harm to the patient to date.

The proposed complaint filed in this matter with the Indiana Department of Insurance is a public record. 


 Our investigation into this matter is ongoing.  If you are a former employee of Grace Village, or are unaffiliated with the defendants but have any information or knowledge concerning any these matters, or matters related to the allegations in the proposed complaint, please contact us confidentially by calling 877-769-5377.

Other related articles of interest:

Why Bother Suing Bad Nursing Homes?

Complaint Against Indiana Nursing Home Alleges Neglect and Understaffing

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